Recent AEMC ruling sparks street lighting revolution
Lets unpack what the recent AMEC ruling on smart street lighting means and the long-term benefits for consumers and industry.
What was the ruling?
The AEMC has released a Final Determination that will recognise the metering capabilities of smart street lighting controls in the National Electricity Market.
What does this mean?
Local councils will be able to install micro-meters on every streetlamp, allowing Council to work out how much electricity is actually used, rather than an estimate based on the number of lights they have.
What are the benefits?
Lighting can be adjusted to suit traffic flows and weather conditions based on how much light we need in these areas. This will deliver cost savings for Councils (and in-turn ratepayers), improved safety and a win for the environment.
For example:
- If you’re in a quiet back street where there are no cars, you don’t want bright lights in your face. You want them dimmed down to a comfortable level and a level that still provides good visibility for your personal safety
- If you’re on a busy street or in bad weather, you want maximum brightness.
This ruling will allow councils to have smarter, cheaper and better lighting that perfectly meets the needs of their communities.
When will this come into effect?
We should start to see these lighting changes implemented in 2026.
Have your say on matters affecting our industry
The Lighting Council and key stakeholders have repeatedly raised the need for this reform. If you’re part of the lighting industry, make sure you’re a member of the Lighting Council Australia and have your voice heard.
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